Cleanup Tours


Although it is as simple as picking up trash on a daily basis, each and every Cleanup Tour is special and unique in itself. Through our dedicated team of Planeteers, partners and collaborators we create this movement-like wave of awareness in the region the tour takes place. Our core team organizes these tours a handful times a year.

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Our Spring Cleanup Initiative

What it is

2024 we kickstarted our from now on yearly “Spring Cleanup” Initiative. From 15 to 30 April, we organised cleaning initiatives all across Austria supporting nature in her process of  waking up after the winter. Together with various schools and municipalities we carried out up to three clean ups a day in different regions in all of Austria’s federal states. We documented our journey and took our worldwide community along inspiring people globally to contribute themselves and become part of the movement. 

How to become a part of it

Everyone is welcome to join helping to clean nature from plastics after the cold season. In the period of the initiative we organise clean ups in collaboration with schools and companies as well as for the public partnering with the local municipalities. We are happy about every helping hand and inspired individual or institution who wants to join. If you want to be part of it in 2025 simply reach out to us.

Spring Cleanup 2024 in Numbers

Students Participated
0 +
Media Reports
0 +
Group Cleanups
Thank you to our partners

Cleanup Roadtrips

What it is

Cleanup Road Trips are an incredible way to build community and make a tangible impact. A dedicated team of planeteers travels through a country, bringing positivity and their commitment to the environment wherever they go. In August 2023, we toured Italy and Albania for a week, conducting daily cleanups in collaboration with local municipalities. Throughout the journey, we shared stories and reels, engaging our global community and inspiring action.

How to become a part of it

For a successful Clean Up Road Trip, we need a dedicated team of Planeteers, partner organizations aligned with our vision, and strong collaborations with companies and municipalities that align with our mission. Together, we can bring the next wave of inspiration and action to life through our roadtrip initiative. Feel free to get in touch!

Clean up Roadtrip 2023 in Numbers

Kilometres Travelled
0 +
Locations Cleaned
Thank you for the Support